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3 Ways an eBook Can Grow Your Business

Writing and publishing eBooks for Kindle and other online retailers is not only a great way to get your writing published, it can also prove to be highly beneficial for your business, especially if you write a non-fiction book that highlights your area of expertise.

Here are three reasons why you need an eBook for your business:

1. Becoming a published author lends you instant credibility and establishes you as an expert in your field. Let’s say, for example, that you’re a relationship coach. Which statement do you prefer?

“I’m a relationship coach specializing in helping couples reignite the intimacy in their marriage”; or

“I’m a relationship coach and the bestselling author of Reigniting the Spark: A Step-by-Step Guide to Restoring Intimacy in Your Marriage.

Sure, both options offer an important service, but which one do you think is more likely to attract new clients and open doors of opportunity for speaking engagements, podcast and media interviews, featured articles and more? 

Whatever your business may be, chances are there are countless professionals competing with you in your marketplace. Becoming a published author is the first – and possibly the best – step you can take to distinguish yourself from the crowd.

2. eBooks can grow your mailing list and bring in a constant flow of new clients. By adding a lead magnet and offering something of value for free inside your eBook in exchange for your readers’ contact information, you will be constantly growing your mailing list with new readers who find you on Amazon and other online retailers. If they are searching for books in your area of expertise and purchase yours, chances are they are looking for a solution to their problem. They are seeking you out, not the other way around. Getting them on your email list and offering solutions is a surefire way to turn those readers into clients.

3. Funnel your readers into your core offer and turn them into clients. The back of your eBook is prime real estate for advertising your business. Think about it, those who made it to the back of your book likely enjoyed it and would like to learn more about whatever services or products you have to offer. Adding a one-page call-to-action offers them a way to continue the journey with you. Why not offer your readers a complimentary strategy session with you, or invite them to check out your online course, mastermind or membership site?

The best part? All those links are clickable while your reader is using a tablet or mobile device, so with a click of a button they can be on your website or selecting a time on your calendar.

That, my friends, is the beauty of eBooks and precisely why you see so many professionals writing and publishing eBooks for their business.

EBooks also provide an excellent rate of return for your effort. Since you’re writing about your respective field, chances are you already have plenty of content to work with in the form of blog posts, articles, lead magnets and even videos you can have transcribed using online services such as Rev or Trint.

Once you compile any content you have, the task of tying it all together is far less daunting than starting a book from scratch. Not to mention, most non-fiction eBooks only average around 25,000 words (I’m not asking you to write a novel here!).  Now your task is to fill in the blanks, add an introduction and a closing, and don’t forget your opt-in and strong call-to-action at the end. Voila! You now have an eBook for your business and you are on your way to becoming a published author.

PRO TIP: If you’re going to create an eBook for your business, there are two things you must never skimp on: professional cover design and professional editing. Nothing will ruin your credibility faster than launching a book to the world with errors or amateur design, so if you’re going to do it, be sure to do it properly so you end up with a high-quality product you can be proud to put your name on and represent your business.

If you’d like to work together on the production of your eBook, be sure to check out our services at Transcendent Publishing.