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5 Tips for Finding Inspiration to Write

If you love to write, or perhaps you desire to become a writer, chances are you may have trouble coming up with fresh ideas from time to time.

Below I’ve added 5 Tips for Finding Inspiration to Write that are sure to kickstart your imagination and get the creative juices flowing!

  1. Read, read, read! The best writers are often avid readers. Not only will reading prompt inspiration and story ideas, being well read will naturally improve your writing style. Read the type of work you’d like to write; read the books from the author's voice whom you admire. If you’re a fiction lover who favors Stephen King, read as many of his books as possible. In doing so, you’ll naturally pick up elements of his style. This is a tip he offered in his memoir, On Writing, a book I highly recommend for any aspiring author.

  2. Keep a journal – Incorporating journaling into your day will not only get you into the habit of writing, but journaling has been proven to unlock creativity. Plus, there’s just something liberating about writing in a private journal where our words are safe from judgment. It allows us to write more freely and keeps those ego-based thoughts at bay, which tend to show up when we are writing for an audience. That's why developing a daily journaling habit is a great way to become a more regimented writer while also building confidence.

  3. Get out and people watch – Don’t know what to write about? Get outside! Sitting on a bench in a public park is sure to spark some story ideas. But don’t just watch, imagine what could be going on in the life of each person as they pass by. Use your imagination and open an ear to the conversations around you. Becoming an attentive observer is a great way to spark story ideas. Just be mindful not to invade the privacy of others in your pursuit to find inspiration!

  4. Keep a notepad with you at all times – Inspiration is everywhere, so keep a notepad with you for moments when ideas strike without warning. If you have a notepad app on your phone, that’s a handy place to keep a running list of your thoughts as well. Just don’t convince yourself that you’ll remember! Once you open your imagination to the possibilities around you, you'll receive many fresh ideas each day. Writing them down in one convenient place is a great way to seek out inspiration on days when you just can’t think of anything to write about. It’s like having a running list of writing prompts at your fingertips!

  5. Write every day – Think of writing as a muscle that strengthens with exercise, and exercise that muscle every day! The more you write, the more you will enjoy it, and over time you’ll find it’s easier to discover inspiration. When writing becomes a natural part of your day instead of a chore, it will eventually become second nature to you. Don’t think you have time to write each day? Start by setting aside just 20 minutes per day or commit to one page per day. As your writing regimen becomes more regulated, you may find you can set aside even more time for doing what you love.

I hope these five tips spark some inspiration in you, but ultimately, the best way to find inspiration is to sit down and write! In the words of Pablo Picasso, “Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.”